Emma – A brave girl

Hello readers, welcome back to my site and this blog is going to be a bit different, as I would be telling a horror story. So in this blog I would be telling how a small school girl was living in a dense forest since she was a small kid and a witch saw herContinue reading “Emma – A brave girl”

Recipe of White sauce Pasta

Hello readers, welcome back to my site in this blog I would be telling that how to make white sauce chicken pasta, so it will be quite interesting. So let’s jump right into it guys. Pizzas to pastas, Italian food is all about a variety of sauces & cheese. Just a bowl of chicken andContinue reading “Recipe of White sauce Pasta”

People I want to thank in my life

Hello readers! In this blog I will be writing about 2 people I would like to thank in my life. We all often say “thanks” to someone in our life. But all of us should say thank you to someone who is very important to us. I want to thank 2 people who are veryContinue reading “People I want to thank in my life”

My new year resolution

Hello readers! In this blog I will be writing about the resolutions that I want to follow in 2021. In January, people often makes some resolutions about what they will do in that year to make their lives better. I sometimes also make some resolution. And this year my resolution is that when someone passContinue reading “My new year resolution”


Christmas falls on 25th of December every-year and is celebrated with great enthusiasm by our society. It is the date when Jesus was born. Hence, it is like Janamastami for Hindus. In almost all over the world, Christmas is the biggest event of the year and for members of the Christian religion it is anContinue reading “Christmas”

Good things that happened to me in 2020

Dear readers, in this blog I will tell you about what are all good things that happened to me in 2020. I was the one who always thought that 2020 is the worst year of all time. But when I thought about it I realized that it’s wrong, it’s not the worst year. Because ofContinue reading “Good things that happened to me in 2020”

Nightmare of an old creepy lady

You know sometimes people tell us in which it is very hard to believe, like ghosts, spirits and much more like that we haven’t seen in our entire life. Things like after listening we get goosebumps. Today, I will be telling you like this but it has happened to my own life. So let getContinue reading “Nightmare of an old creepy lady”

The old granny

In our childhood, we might have heard many horror stories and some of us might still do. If not then I am here to tell you another horror story which will give you nightmares. Let’s start – I went back to my native. I used to live alone in a 2 storey house. There wasContinue reading “The old granny”

Gender equality

Gender equality, this is a very controversial topic all over the world. Some people think that this is very much important and are trying to bring this in action, while some people dont even care and are just happy with the way its going. What do you think is gender equality from your perspective? ForContinue reading “Gender equality”

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