Gender equality

Gender equality, this is a very controversial topic all over the world. Some people think that this is very much important and are trying to bring this in action, while some people dont even care and are just happy with the way its going. What do you think is gender equality from your perspective? For me, gender equality is when men and women are given the same opportunities and are not differentiated in any aspects of life. I am sure that now you are very excited for reading this blog further. 

In this blog, I will be asking some questions which to my mind every time I think about gender equality. So are you ready for the questions?

  1. Why do men only have to manage the finance in the family even though the women have the full potential?
  2. Why can’t men manage the kids at their young age? Why does the mother get the blame of not teaching the child good manners or etiquettes when the child belongs to both the parents?
  3. When we hear a news of someone being harassed, the first image that clicks our mind is a female. Why is this image stuck in our brains, don’t men and women belong to the same species?
  4. In most of the houses, the cooking department is given to women. They are told to make the best food for everyone and if something goes wrong then they are punished, insulted and also get scolding. Why does this have to happen? If the food has to be made for everyone then the husband and wife can take chances and do it.
  5. As we all know, in this pandemic everyone was supposed to work from home except the life savers and police. So, in this period of time I have seen that woman who would be working from home only had the responsibility of the child. How is this fair?
  6. In the offices we notice that maternity leave, for a vacation, etc. But if men also want to take a holiday for going to their native, want to take a break or have to go somewhere for an emergency, they don’t get the holiday in an easier way like the women do. Why does this have to happen?

So these were my questions. Now, you must be thinking about how to overcome and break these taboos. I have an idea on that also! Let’s begin. First, this is one thing which we all do. Ignoring.

 My suggestion would be to come in front and speak for these unfair things which happen in our society daily. By doing this some people in the society will start thinking in ur way and slowly we all can change these thoughts in their minds. So this one thing can bring a lot of change in the, mentality of the people.

Despite these questions, there are things that I am proud of. Would ulu like to know them? ok let’s start. First thing that I am proud about is the fact that in my house my parents have divided the responsibility of cooking as 50-50. Everyday morning tea is made by my father and the cooking is done by my mother. On weekends, the breakfast and dinner is made by my father and my mother cooks the lunch. Second, as we both(my sister and I) are grown up, managing isn’t a big problem for my mother during her working hours. And now the last but not the least thing that I am proud about is that the groceries are bought by my father so that does not have to be a big responsibility for my mom.

Here we come to the end of the blog. I hope you liked it. And remember the future of the next generation is in our hands. Thank you for reading! Stay tuned for the next blog.

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Published by Tigressandbutterfly

Young bloggers rule is a blogging workshop that encourages little minds to channelize and enjoy blogging. Read the blogs to feel innocence blended with intelligence. mail us at for more details

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