My chillax room

The place where I feel most comfortable and show my personality is my chilling room. This the place where I can really be myself and do I want. It’s the place I come home to, and wake up every day. My chillax room makes me feel comfortable because it is my own space. My house is always crazy, with my dog barking and my siblings running around making noise. This is the only place in the house where I can come and relax without caring about anything else, the only place that I can go to clear my mind.

My room has many characteristics which I share it will be having best T.V ever made in history, triple monitor gaming setup and pool game also. My room gives me the confidence that I don’t have in other places, it helps me to have trust in myself, I can do the most ridiculous thing but my room won’t say anything, it will never judge me. My room is the only place where I will try new things and if I feel confident I try them outside of it.

It is the place where I can concentrate and think about anything that is going on around me not only around my city or state, but all over the world. I get the chance to relax and think in what I want to do with my life, the kind of future I want to achieve. My room is the place where I can go and do my homework without getting distracted, where I can write down my feelings and open my mind to new ideas. I will think about everything I have heard and my room makes me feel comfortable like there is nothing that can stop me from making a comment and saying what is on my mind. My room is reflection of me.

Published by Tigressandbutterfly

Young bloggers rule is a blogging workshop that encourages little minds to channelize and enjoy blogging. Read the blogs to feel innocence blended with intelligence. mail us at for more details

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